About Dr Nicola Bridges
Specialty: Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes
Affiliated Hospital: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
GMC Number: 2568234
Gender: Female
Doctor’s Profile
Dr Nicola Bridges is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine’s Paediatric Council and the Service Director for paediatric medical specialties at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. She is also a Governor of Chelsea Children’s Hospital School. At St Mary’s Hospital, Dr. Bridges and her colleague, Dr. Saji Alexander, hold monthly paediatric endocrine clinics.
Her practice includes patients with chronic disease-related growth and pubertal problems (particularly respiratory and gastroenterology patients), as well as regular special clinics such as a multi-disciplinary clinic for children with Prader-Willi syndrome (run in conjunction with Dr Tony Goldstone’s adult Prader-Willi syndrome clinic at Hammersmith Hospital), and a multi-disciplinary clinic for children with Down syndrome.
Dr. Bridges leads a multidisciplinary diabetes team that includes pediatric and adolescent clinics, insulin pump support, and a transition clinic (with Dr Kevin Shotliff). Dr. Bridges offers monthly clinics in the Royal Brompton Hospital’s paediatric and adult outpatients departments, where he provides diabetes assistance to children and young people with cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.
- DM,
- DCH,
- Paediatric endocrinology
- Disorders of puberty
- Growth and pubertal problems related to chronic disease (particularly respiratory and gastroenterology patients)
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- Growth or puberty problems related to sickle cell disease or thalassaemia.
- Paediatric diabetes including support to children and young adults with cystic fibrosis related diabetes
- Royal college of physicians,
- British society for paediatric endocrinology and diabetes,
- European society for paediatric endocrinology,
- The endocrine society, The society for endocrinology,
- The Royal Society of medicine
Language Spoken
Dr Nicola Bridges Appointment Process
Telephone:Â Secretary 020 3315 8695
Email:Â nicola.bridges@chelwest.nhs.uk
For Online Appointment: Click Here
Dr Nicola Bridges Chamber Name & Address: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Rd, London SW10 9NH, UK. (See on Google Map)
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